Thanks to Amelia and Amica at great Amelia's Magazine, my work was featured in their blog. Thank you so much, I love what she wrote in the article, I didn't realize my work had "Peyote like delirium inherent" in it. haha It means a lot to me because that's exactly what I want to represent through my work. (ah but, in case you doubt, please note that I'm not taking any 'real' cactus...)
Another quite big drawing I am gonna move on in parallel. An imaginary whale "Submarine Dock Whale". I'm looking forward to drawing those gems in his body. Let's see.
A freelance Illustrator/Animator, based in London, born in Japan. My imagination base is on something surreal or nonsense, and someday, I wish to bring people to my own fantasy fiction...
I love watching at rocks and the sky in mountains and wondering about the outer world of the earth.